Getting started with Pirate Borg

Avast ye mateys and welcome to Alchemy! We’re excited to present you with the Alchemy Content Module for Limithron’s PIRATE BORG!

If you’re not familiar with Alchemy RPG, it’s a platform for playing, creating, and discovering new RPGs, with a focus on ease-of-use and immersive gameplay.

Please note that Alchemy is currently in Early Access. We’re working to bring new features to the platform, and Pirate Borg, on a daily basis. If you have any questions after reading this article, feel free to join our Discord or email

Redeem Your Code

If you’re a backer of the Kickstarter, you’ve received a link from Pirate Borg to get the Alchemy Module for free. Just click the button labeled FREE to redeem the Pirate Borg Content Universe.

Navigate to Content Universes

After redemption or purchase, the marketplace page will show a green button labeled VIEW. Click the button to access the Universe, or navigate to the Universes tab on the left of the page.

Content Universe Overview

Welcome to the Universe!

All of the content you purchase or create in Alchemy resides in Content Universes. Select the Universe you’d like to access (Pirate Borg, in this case) by clicking its card.

The Universe contains everything found in other iterations of Pirate Borg: The setting information, rules, character creation options, roll tables, NPCs, items, and the gorgeous artwork. Each of these has its own section in an Alchemy Universe: Articles, NPCs, Items, and Scenes.


Pirate Borg is broken down into sections known as Articles in Alchemy. All of the content from the original book can be found here. The contents are broken down in the same order as can be found in the PDF or hardcover book; start at the beginning or jump around! 

All of the following tabs (NPCs, Items, and Scenes) are designed for browsing, but can also be brought into the Alchemy Game experience and interacted with.

NPCs & Items

The NPCs and Items tabs contain all the content found in Pirate Borg. You can access the details of each NPC or item by selecting it. If you’re looking for a specific character block, use the search and filter bar at the top of the list.

Cinematic Scenes

Scenes are fully equipped with everything required to set up a Pirate Borg game in Alchemy. Selecting a scene, you’ll be able to read all of the content relevant to that particular moment in the starting module; this can be brought directly into a game, where it also includes the NPCs, maps, environmental art and motion overlays that accompany the content of the moment.

Create a Pirate Borg Game

Create a New Game

Let’s create a game and start playing Pirate Borg! Navigate to the Library, on the left, and make sure you’re on the GAMES tab, at the top. In the upper right, select CREATE GAME.

Running Your Game

Add Some Scenes!

Scenes in Alchemy contain everything needed to run a game: art, motion overlays, music, maps, NPCs and story notes. The first thing you need to do is add or create scenes by clicking ADD SCENE in the bottom right panel.

Game Details

Give the game a name and select Pirate Borg as the Game System. Then, add a description of the game for your players. For more details on the game settings available in Alchemy, check out this video walkthrough.

Invite Your Players

Now invite your players to Alchemy by navigating to the Players tab, at the top. If your players are new to Alchemy, entering their email address will prompt them to create an account.

Choose Your Scenes

Add the scenes you’d like to start with or click Select All, then press the white button at the bottom to confirm your selections. They will populate in the lower right corner of the Alchemy interface, in the SCENES panel.

Choose Your Content Sources

Navigating to the CONTENT tab, at the top, you’ll be greeted with all of the Content Universes available to you - including both purchased content and anything you’ve created yourself. Pirate Borg should automatically be selected, but if you have additional content you’d like to add, select it here.

Click the white circular button at the bottom of the screen, then click the card that was just generated on the Games tab in your LIBRARY to launch your game.


Now you’re ready to start playing your first game of Pirate Borg on Alchemy. Watch this video for a more in-depth overview of getting started with Alchemy’s features.