Roleplaying games are an incredible medium to interact with other humans and learn about oneself. Many of us have been there, shedding tears at the conclusion of a campaign as we say goodbye to characters that we breathe life into for months or years. Characters that are simultaneously part of us and distinct from us, a reflection of our inner self and a glimpse at something entirely different.
We’re creating Alchemy because we love roleplaying games, and we found ourselves frustrated with the tools available for bringing our games online. We think that staring at the same tactical grid for hours is not what these games are about and that the shift to online play over the last decade has detracted from the imaginative aspects.
We want to restore the imagination in the digital RPG experience.
We were tabletop gamers, nerds, and storytellers before it became our business. We believe in being genuine, honest, and bringing our whole selves to the table.
A story whose characters share the same race, class, and lens through which they view the world is exclusionary and uninspired. We believe our platform, team, and community are better when they bring people with diverse perspectives together.
Everyone who enjoys roleplaying games is inherently a creator. We believe in building tools that empower people to harness their creativity, breathe life into their creations, and share them with the world.
Empower creators to create
The TTRPG community is filled with incredibly gifted independent creators. We want to lift them up with a fair and modernized platform to offer their life’s work in a curated, design-focused collection. We want Alchemy to be the preeminent marketplace for roleplaying game content and believe we can achieve that by treating creators fairly and shouldering the work of bringing their titles to Alchemy so they can focus on creating their next.
Play where you want
The content you acquire on our marketplace is yours to keep. Alchemy is not a walled garden of proprietary titles. Instead, we strive to make all purchases available to download so you can use them wherever you want, even if that's not on Alchemy.
Privacy over profits
We’re not here to make a quick buck but to give everyone a chance to experience the life-changing power of roleplaying games. We will never sell your data, use our platform to serve irrelevant ads from third parties, or sell our company to anyone who might change these policies. We respect your right to privacy and believe we can build a great platform without using predatory practices that have become ubiquitous within technology today.
Utilize technology to amplify human creativity
Technology has been radically evolving the world since the industrial revolution but never has the pace been as rapid as in the information age. Emerging technologies like generative AI raises serious ethical concerns that threaten to harm the creative community. We want Alchemy to be a digital tool to celebrate human creativity, not exploit it. Only products containing original works by artists, writers, composers, designers, and other creative individuals will be available on our marketplace.
Partner with people who love games
We are a small team of passionate creators supported by other businesses from within the TTRPG community, including indie giants CZEPEKU, Hit Point Press, and Loot Tavern. Our board of advisors also includes Tanya DePass, Amy Vorpahl, Navin Iyengar, and Jon Ritter.
Choosing partners from within the TTRPG space gives us the privilege to focus on building Alchemy for people who love roleplaying games without the outside influence of financial institutions or corporations.
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