The most immersive way to experience tabletop roleplaying games


Get an Early Access account and experience Alchemy today.
Alchemy is a Virtual Tabletop (VTT) with a slightly different focus. Whereas most others provide a map and grid as your starting point, we focus on cinematic elements, like music and environmental backgrounds, motion overlays, and more. We still have the map and grid, but we don’t think that’s the only thing players want to look at for hours during a session.
At Version One Launch, we will have support for:
• Dungeons & Dragons 5e (SRD)
• Year Zero Engine (ALIEN, Tales From the Loop, Coriolis, Dragonbane, Forbidden lands, etc)
• Pathfinder 2e
• Kids on Bikes 2e
• Call of Cthulhu
• Vampire: The Masquerade
• Powered by the Apocalypse (Masks, Cartel)
• The 2d20 System (Fallout RPG, Dune)
• Mörk Borg (Vast Grimm, Pirate Borg)
• City of Mist
• DegenesisWe also have a system agnostic setting wherein you can create and customize your own rules! If your favorite game isn’t listed, fear not! We’re probably trying to add it.
Alchemy comes ready to play with many of the features you’ve come to expect from a VTT. In Version One, we’ll support the following features:
• Grid Adjustments (square, hex, opacity, color)
• Snap to Grid
• Fog of War
• Map Variants
• Map Scaling
• Tokens (and token scaling)
• Drag and Drop from Sidebar
• Measuring Tools -
Yes. Alchemy will always have a free version that allows you to invite players to games, create scenes, homebrew worlds, and utilize our voice chat without paying anything. Sign up for a free account here.
Alchemy Unlimited enables you to create as many games, characters, and content universes as you’d like. It’s $8 per month or $88 per year.
Yes! Alchemy is a web-based application, so if your device has a web browser then you can access Alchemy. We also have apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Alchemy is not yet optimized for gameplay on mobile devices and works best with a minimum display resolution of 1366x768.
Yes! Alchemy is committed to making sure players feel safe, and will continue to build on the existing safety tools that are available now based on feedback from the community:
• Ability for all players to send an anonymous X-Card.
• Lines and Veils are account wide and viewable by all members of your game.
• Content warnings can be enabled to display before players or spectators enter a game.
• GMs can also mark a game as Mature Content. -
No. If you own the content, they can simply join your game. Likewise, if you upload your own homebrew content, there is no barrier to entry for those you invite to your table.
We want to include anyone and everyone in the marketplace eventually, but, for the time being, we are hand selecting content. If you’d like to talk about partnering with Alchemy to bring your content to the marketplace, email partners@alchemyrpg.com. You can find more details about becoming a creator in our marketplace at alchemyrpg.com/creators.
As it relates to the subscription: Alchemy users can create a free account and will be able to make three player characters, three games as a gamemaster, and one homebrew universe. The subscription allows for unlimited access to all of those things and more, that we'll talk about in updates during the campaign.
As it relates to content, if the GM owns it, the players can experience it in all of its glory.